
خطر غامض يفتك بالقنافذ ويهدد المرجان في البحر الأحمر

23:55 مساء
قراءة دقيقة واحدة
Coral Reef and Tropical Fish in Sunlight
ليزا ماريا شميدت (أ.ف.ب)
شعاب مرجانية (أ.ف.ب)
Omri Bronstein from the University of Tel Aviv, examines a jar containing Echinothrix Calamaris sea urchins, in the storage facility at the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History in the Israeli Mediterranean coastal city of Tel Aviv, on August 21, 2023. The Red Sea's spectacular coral reefs face a new threat, marine biologists warn, the mass death of sea urchins that may be caused by a mystery disease. Because the long-spined creatures feed on algae that can suffocate corals, their die-off could «destroy our entire coral reef ecosystem,» a scientist said. (Photo by JACK GUEZ / AFP)
Fish swim by the coral reef in the waters of the Red Sea near the southern Israeli city of Eilat on September 14, 2023. The Red Sea's spectacular coral reefs face a new threat, marine biologists warn, the mass death of sea urchins that may be caused by a mystery disease. Because the long-spined creatures feed on algae that can suffocate corals, their die-off could «destroy our entire coral reef ecosystem,» a scientist said. (Photo by MENAHEM KAHANA / AFP)
A Diadema Setosum sea urchin lies in an aquarium at the Inter-University Institute for Marine Sciences, in Israel's Red Sea resort of Eilat on September 14, 2023. The Red Sea's spectacular coral reefs face a new threat, marine biologists warn, the mass death of sea urchins that may be caused by a mystery disease. Because the long-spined creatures feed on algae that can suffocate corals, their die-off could «destroy our entire coral reef ecosystem,» a scientist said. (Photo by MENAHEM KAHANA / AFP)
Fish swim by the coral reef in the waters of the Red Sea near the southern Israeli city of Eilat on September 14, 2023. The Red Sea's spectacular coral reefs face a new threat, marine biologists warn, the mass death of sea urchins that may be caused by a mystery disease. Because the long-spined creatures feed on algae that can suffocate corals, their die-off could «destroy our entire coral reef ecosystem,» a scientist said. (Photo by MENAHEM KAHANA / AFP)
Omri Bronstein, from the University of Tel Aviv, holds a jar containing Echinothrix Calamaris sea urchins, in the storage facility of the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History in the Israeli Mediterranean coastal city of Tel Aviv, on August 21, 2023. The Red Sea's spectacular coral reefs face a new threat, marine biologists warn, the mass death of sea urchins that may be caused by a mystery disease. Because the long-spined creatures feed on algae that can suffocate corals, their die-off could «destroy our entire coral reef ecosystem,» a scientist said. (Photo by JACK GUEZ / AFP)
Omri Bronstein, from the University of Tel Aviv, observes a Echinothrix Calamaris sea urchin at the laboratory of the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History in the Israeli Mediterranean coastal city of Tel Aviv, on August 21, 2023. The Red Sea's spectacular coral reefs face a new threat, marine biologists warn, the mass death of sea urchins that may be caused by a mystery disease. Because the long-spined creatures feed on algae that can suffocate corals, their die-off could «destroy our entire coral reef ecosystem,» a scientist said. (Photo by JACK GUEZ / AFP)
Omri Bronstein, from the University of Tel Aviv, examines a jar containing Echinothrix Calamaris sea urchins, in the storage facility at the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History in the Israeli Mediterranean coastal city of Tel Aviv, on August 21, 2023. The Red Sea's spectacular coral reefs face a new threat, marine biologists warn, the mass death of sea urchins that may be caused by a mystery disease. Because the long-spined creatures feed on algae that can suffocate corals, their die-off could «destroy our entire coral reef ecosystem,» a scientist said. (Photo by JACK GUEZ / AFP)
TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY ROSIE SCAMMELL.Omri Bronstein, a senior lecturer at Tel Aviv University's School of Zoology, holds a jar containing sea urchins, in the storage facility at the city's Steinhardt Museum of Natural History on August 21, 203 in the Israeli Mediteranean coastal city of Tel Aviv. The Red Sea's spectacular coral reefs face a new threat, marine biologists warn, the mass death of sea urchins that may be caused by a mystery disease. Because the long-spined creatures feed on algae that can suffocate corals, their die-off could «destroy our entire coral reef ecosystem,» a scientist said. (Photo by JACK GUEZ / AFP)

يحذر علماء الأحياء البحرية من تهديد جديد يطال الشعاب المرجانية المذهلة في البحر الأحمر، يتمثل في النفوق الجماعي لقنافذ البحر بسبب مرض غامض محتمل.

تستذكر ليزا ماريا شميدت لحظة اكتشافها وزملاء لها نفوقاً جماعياً لمجموعات من قنافذ البحر قبالة شواطئ إيلات في جنوب إسرائيل، قرب الحدود مع الأردن ومصر، في حادثة غامضة تُعرّض بقاء الشعاب المرجانية قبالة البحر الأحمر للخطر.

وتقول شميدت: «عندما قفزنا إلى الماء، لاحظنا فجأة أنّ كل تلك العينات التي كنا نراها من قبل زالت ولم يبق إلا هياكل عظمية وأكوام من الأشواك». لكن خلال أسبوعين، بدأت الأنواع نفسها التي تعيش عند الساحل في محمية المعهد المشترك بين الجامعات لعلوم البحار، بالنفوق.

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